My 2023 Year in Review: The Gift of Flow

Lia Golledge
8 min readDec 21, 2023


Found myself landed in the land of Kangaroos

I don’t know where to start. This year seems to have happened in the blink of an eye! I wrote down in my note last year that I was very sure that I am going to meet my soulmate this year, and it happened!

Reviewing my 2023 in Brisbane, Australia

I met him in Bali in January 2023, and we got married 9 months later. I felt the shift in my energy early in January, and I can already feel that I started to attract the right people in my life.

The day we got married 11.11.23 at Walkabout Creek, Brisbane, Australia

Attracting is one thing. Recognizing the right person is another. I’m grateful that I’m clear in my values and what I’m looking for in a partner, so when he arrives, I can see easily that he’s the one. I always feel like kindness is the number one value I’m looking for in a man, and my husband got exactly that.

Sweet words from my husband

From the start, my husband is kind. He’s kind with his resources (taking care of my flights and hotels when I travel), he’s romantic with his attention and love (lovely text messages, flowers, etc), he’s funny and we can have a great banter together (lighten up all the process of preparing a wedding, moving house, etc), he’s thoughtful and have big sense of empathy, he can sense and give what I need before I say I need it (cook dinner for us when I’m tired after a full day). He reflects after his action and not afraid to dive deep into wide range of emotions. I wouldn’t recognize these traits as valuable if I stick to my old surface-level standard of what I’m looking for in a man (e.g. must be working on tech project/leading a startup in tech), which clearly wasn’t working for me in the past.

Cooking with sunglasses because he can’t stand cutting onion

Anyway, after we got married, I’m now moving and starting my new life in Australia. That’s basically the highlight of my 2023. My time has been focused on building my relationship and traveling back and forth from Bali to Brisbane.

I know I make it sounds easy. Leaving my life in Jakarta to live in Bali. Leaving Bali to live in Australia. Leaving all my friends and family. It was not easy to organize my life for 3 different cities Bali, Jakarta and Brisbane. But I’m super open to change, and hell, I LOVE it. I love new experiences in life and I am already expecting that universe will bring me sweet surprises in 2023, so when the surprises come, I embrace it with all my heart.

As I start to make friends in Brisbane, it’s more and more easier to adapt to my new life. Plus all my friends from Jakarta and Bali are still there to support me. Some of them came to support me on my wedding day, which is something that I really appreciate, for them to make time in their busy schedule. So yes, some things are changing, but most things are not.

My hen’s night at Southbank, Brisbane

One thing I plan to do in 2023 was to explore beaches around Indonesia and it didn’t happen. Instead, I explore beaches in AUSTRALIA :D

Exploring different beaches in Australia

I also said last year that I’m going to open a lot of presents this year (as a gift of living the present moment). Lo and behold, my husband’s already wrapping so many Christmas gifts and I can’t even see them now because my husband wants me to see all the surprises in Christmas day!

The gift of flow in my life are present in many more ways:

Our Robomot NFT project was sold out (555 NFTs) and was highlighted on the front page of OpenSea. This is big for us considering we’re at crypto ‘winter.’ The launching event was also completely a flow process. I was contacted by WeRent, had an hour meeting with them, and then we decided to do a collaborative event at Superlative Gallery. They also bought some Robomot NFTs too! So, essentially, our cost for the launch is zero!

Opening Robomot NFT launch at Superlative Gallery

On my 40th birthday, I invited my close friends from Jakarta and Bali to enjoy the sunset at the most beautiful spot near Jimbaran. It’s a cliff sunset and dinner at Locca Sea House. This is also the first time I introduced my new boyfriend to my friends!

My 40th birthday sunset hangout and dinner at Locca Sea House, Bali

Remote Skills Academy (RSA), an NGO that I run, has completely grown stronger with a solid team, and we’ve done 17 programs in 2023, gaining a total of 6500 students and reaching our sustainability this year! Read our impact report 2023 here.

Teaching AI to Timika Youth as part as our partnership with PT. Freeport Indonesia

Running RSA is a very fulfilling job for me. I lead the team who are fully remote team but very independent and reliable. We’re running remote digital skills education programs from Indonesia to Hungary, serving from first-jobber to single moms.

My Dream Team at RSA

While working with RSA team, I try my best to stay on my genius zone at least 80% at a time. This will include me taking part in creating content, interviewing student for our Youtube (Because one of my geniuses is in storytelling) and also teaching some classes. I’m grateful for my team supporting this decision. I personally LOVE teaching and found I vibe higher when I’m teaching. It’s not only about the actual teaching but preparing what to teach, make sure people understands our message and hope that what we taught them will stick and they will put it into action.

Just to reintroduce myself, I’m a fractional CMO at RSA (meaning, part-time CMO, and yes, that’s possible). And then the other part of my time, I coach Startup Founders/Entrepreneurs mostly on digital marketing and thought leadership.

One of my coaching sessions with Stevie Go, CEO 99 Virtual Race

I coached and mentored several clients this year, Co-Founders & CEOs of Indonesian Startups 99 Virtual Race, Sampangan, PetsKita, AdventureAja, iBunda, Fiqeeh, and MyEco. The year ended beautifully working together with the CEO of Waterbom Bali, working on his book project, a journal of his observations during the pandemic. The kind of creative project that I’m always excited about.

2023 is the year of AI. Of course I learned how to use generative AI, learned how to structure a prompt, and using a long list of AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, Midjourney, etc. I taught several Masterclasses on the subject and became an AI educator.

Teaching Generative AI with Midjourney for Launchpad community

I also learn how to use my voice more and create more video content (instead of just photo and words). I learned to use video editing tools like CapCut and Capsule. I have created several viral videos on Instagram, and listening to the interest of my audiences, I’ve created a class on Manifesting Your Best Life 2024. The class talks about how to unblock the flow of abundance in your life, the energetic part of manifesting techniques and how you can ground your dream into reality through strategic planning. You can buy the recording here (in Bahasa Indonesia).

My experiment with video content, check them out on my instagram @salsabeela

A subtle achievement that I want to celebrate is that cooking has become a normal thing for me. Early this year, I was so anxious at the prospect of cooking my own food (after depending on food delivery services in Indonesia). But now I can even cook for 10 people for our housewarming :D

Cooking for our guests

Slow living. Brisbane is more chill than any city in Indonesia. I definitely grateful for the clean air, ample space of nature, amazing libraries and the beautiful rainbow birds outside my window. I stayed at home most days, enjoying my role as a housewife, and if I want a bit of hustle and bustle, I can go to the city 20 minutes away from home. It’s perfect!

One of Brisbane city parks

What’s Next for 2024

I know for sure I have the tendency to set too many goals. So this year I try my best to be more focused.

  • 2024 is the year where I’m going to define what RICH life is for me and living it every day. It might include embracing creative activities like creative writing, book clubs, creating cinematic videos, flowers arrangement course, etc. I found my tribe in Brisbane, especially entrepreneurs, leaders, writers, creative people who will inspire me to create and collaborate.
  • Making money while I sleep. I will create more digital products, classes, or courses, especially in the topics that will ground the spiritual theme into everyday lives.
  • Buy a house in Bali that I can rent daily for tourists or for my friends and family when they’re visiting.
  • RSA will scale and make an impact on 10,000 students. Girls in Tech Scholarship 2024 will also kick off, so girls, watch this space!
  • I will have one more creative writing project with Sayan. I can feel that it’s going to be epic!
  • In terms of family, I will explore and travel the world with my husband, we’re looking at Japan and Positano :D Also, the most important one, opening our hearts to expand our family and have a baby

It will be an exciting year for many of us. The world has moving in full speed after the pandemic, and we rediscover what it is that’s important for us.

2024 shall be my year for focusing inward, rediscovering my deepest dreams and channeling my energies towards their fulfillment. I am open and ready to receive the gifts the universe wishes to flow upon me. As I know the what, I surrender the how.

I focus my vision on the richness I intend to manifest — creative pursuits that enliven me, meaningful work that utilizes my talents, relationships that nourish my spirit, and vibrant health to facilitate my enjoyment of life. I see myself wake up each day with enthusiasm and peace of mind.

I set my sights high and boldly follow the call of my boldest dreams and grandest visions — for when passion and possibility align, I give birth to my fullest potential. My destiny’s ripe fruits await; now is my moment to harvest long-awaited abundance through courageous creation and inspired aligned action.

With ambitious imagination and visionary conviction, I boldly meet the eager universe halfway. This moment is mine; I seize it with grace, gratitude and unwavering commitment to the prosperity, joy and fulfillment that are now blossoming into being through me. A rich adventure of thriving self-realization begins today!



Lia Golledge

Founder Coach. Fractional CMO Remote Skills Academy. Co-Managing Director Girls in Tech Indonesia. Author of 33 books.